Sunday 17 May 2020

Shingles, ways to ease your suffering


Been there suffered it, here's what helped me.

Disclaimer: this isn't doctor's advice just what worked for me, try at your own risk we do not take responsibility for your outcome.

First up, doctor! Get a confirmation diagnosis and there is a course of tablets that they may put you on too. This depends on other medications and health background so not guaranteed.

Hydrocolloid plasters. These are different to blister plasters, usually a bit bigger. I found they helped heal and ease the blister pain, unfortunately they don't touch the nerve pain but any help is a relief.

Germolene, the topical anaesthetic is a god send! 

Pain meds, I used anadin. It's all I had to hand.

And finally if your very unlucky like me you need some thin disposable underwear. Let's face it if your affected were I was you need them. Maybe not immediately but you will. Sorry about that.

Ok so now you have your shingles saviour kit you should be ready to concentrate.  

So some of you poor souls have got what I refer to as the shingles thong. All one side of your intimate space is on fire, angry and will have begun developing blisters. So remove the hair yes it's going to be uncomfortable but get it gone. 
  Clean up and dry off. If your lucky and have the torso shingles then skip that.
Slap your hydrocolloid plasters on those blisters and breathe. For the ladies keep them external, don't go onto the labia/ vulva. 

Here you can add germolene on any surrounding pain areas to soothe additional painful space. Where plasters won't go to.  And those disposable underwear? Dont worry I'm not saying you lose control, as the blisters leak and weap and dry it will be yanked off with every move. The disposable pants don't stick to the blisters therefore limiting that repeatedly painful feel of waxing. 

Take painkillers as needed but be careful and follow the medication advice.

I'm sure your here after reading up on shingles and tried everything else so the last thing you need to know is we are not endorsed by any of the above brands or companies it's just what I used and found helpful. 
We do not r

Saturday 12 January 2019

Depression, my experience and struggle

As some will know I struggle with depression. I said a while back I'd go through how it affects me but shortly after found myself in a very delicate position.
I'm still having a hard time but coping better.
For me I start to feel trapped. It's like everything is my problem and that I don't do enough, despite being physically and financially unable to it's still there. It's still my huge burden.
This never leaves but intensifies. It's exhausting.

The next emotion that strikes is anger. When I'm in control my clumbsiness doesn't get to me too much but when I'm struggling it hits hard. I truly wind my self up which leads to me snapping at everyone that crosses my path. I drop something, trip over the dogs or bounce off the walls i find myself feeling so very angry. When it's so very unreasonable it then turns into frustration. The only outlet is tears.
At this point the nasty little voice crawls in repeating 'useless', 'pointless' and other more negative thoughts over and over it pushes me to the brink.

I have many times got to the point that I researched the quickest way to stop it. I tell myself it's just out if curiosity but deep down I know. I know I'm seriously considering 'It'. Looking into a way that if I feel committed to an end that no intervention can stop me.

Things that really get to me are comments such as ' your just being dramatic' or 'you just want attention'. Truth is it's far from the truth, I want to disappear just blend in and go unnoticed.

How do I gain control?
The way I stay on top of the issue is with medication.
I know right, such a dirty word for those using medication to squash the thoughts and vulgar emotions, I so often get told I should go for a walk in nature or try sleeping more. I've even been told that I'd be much better just eating better. 

Hearing those things makes me furious. No amount of staring at trees or chewing on lettuce will correct a chemical imbalance. That's what depression is. It's something just not quite on the right levels internally so next time someone tries to shame you I'll let you know what my response is.
I simply reply 'take your opinion and return once you've done your research or experienced real depression. I'm going to take my tablets, my MEDICATION and keep going with a method that works for Me.'

And if I'm infuriated I simply reply 'shove your tree up your backside' then walk away. Not the most mature way, I know, but it gives me a little relief.

In short I live with depression and for now medication is what works so I shall continue with that because that's what allows me to keep going.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Appeal for help

Let me start by saying this is a post created at my discretion and posts of appeals will not take over we just really need your help.

As I previously discussed I have mental health issues and this amazing charity that needs help is local to me. They are where some of my precious pets joined me from.
I love this rescue and they've been amazing to allow me to foster for them too. 

Sadly recently they have been hit with a huge amount of vet bills. So far it stands at over £1000 and continues to rise this month. Lately this rescue have done their usual neuter, microchip and vaccinated as well as the standard health check. 
That's not the cause of their vet bills this time though. This month this fantastic rescue have had 3 serious illnesses strike their residents. As you can imagine any emergency intake costs an absolute fortune.

Battle one was for the gorgeous kitty Mabel.

Mabel appeared healthy at first but soon took a turn for the worse and appeared quite poorly. She was unable to keep food down so was rushed to the vets.
After multiple investigations it was discovered she had multiple masses and the best thing to do was help her cross the rainbow bridge peacefully.

Battle two was with young handsome Ice.

This battle started after Ice was found extremely lathargic. Initially his foster thought he'd passed away. Off ton the emergency vets they went. Again after multiple investigations Ice was found to be extremely poorly and had severe kidney damage. Basically he was a mess internally and again under vet advisement the heartbreaking dissension was to help Ice cross over.

Battle three brings us to little Ron

This sweet bunny is a foster of mine. Initially his eye began to appear sore so we popped him to the vet and were  told he has a blocked tear duct. Nothing too scary so we've been treating it as prescribed. Unfortunately when the tear ducts became unblocked the mucus began filling his airways causing a different blockage which left him gasping for air and having to choose to breathe over eating. He's currently undergoing treatment and is very touch and go. He needs an oxygen tent so is staying with the vets and possibly facing surgery.

With all this going on and Ron needing ongoing treatment the rescue is facing humongous bills. The largest ever yet.
 This is why I am putting out this appeal for help. They do everything possible to help and are donations based. No grants given so are understandably desperate funds.

I'm not asking a miracle just £1 if you can afford it. Of course any donation we receive we will be absolutely greatful for as it helps the rescue continue helping.

If you can help please donate through PayPal to

if you want to check out the amazing work they do you can visit their facebook page at :

Please head over and show them your support

we're back!

hey guys,
as you may know we've taken a break. 

Unfortunately due to illness I had to take myself off on a break to help my health both physical and mentally.

I think I'm ready to delve into some of those things so I'm going to share a few of the things I'm battling with day in day out.
just a note as I know some family members browse my posts it's brutally honest and I wouldn't recommend you read it unless your seriously prepared.

So first I'll start with my mental health. 
As many people will know mental health is not something that's frequently discussed and I believe it's time to change that.

Personally to me in my case it is severe anxiety coupled with severe depression. 

The anxiety manifests itself in multiple ways the most common being panicking when faced with the possibility of large crowds and encountering those makes me feel like I can't breath and suffocating. In my head I chant it's not really just breath your not dying your not in danger. 
Despite doing this it keeps on pushing forward. 
I can also find myself affected by my anxiety in a different way, with Anger.
It's explained to me as being part of the fight or flight instinct triggered by the severe anxiety. 
Can you imagine that? facing a crowd and feeling that bubble in you. Your chest tightening knowing that an attack is coming at you. 
Can you imagine just wanting to carry out an average task and having to retreat to sob and panic or fearing that angry beast may take over and you could lash out. 
And that's only one portion of my many issues.

I'll leave you to imagine that and return soon to dig through and discuss my depression. 

on a final note I just want to say I'm glad to be back and in a place where I can express and discuss what I'm dealing with. 
I've previously felt ashamed but recently realised I have no reason to be ashamed I have various illnesses but I'm fighting through. 

Tuesday 6 September 2016

graphgan basics

First we'll cover what exactly a graphgan is for those who have no idea.

graphgan is a blanket or throw with an image or text worked into it using different coloured yarns by following a graph. it can be used working stitch for stitch or block for block when working a corner to corner (c2c), or  by using solid squares depending on size your trying to achieve.
To avoid having to attach and reattach yarns at every colour change its best to make several miniature balls or use bobbins wound with the appropriate colours for your piece. The more colour changes done the more dreaded ends to sew in.
The best way to make a graph is using square paper, apps or an exel type computer programme. You can make almost any photo or image into a graphgan using apps to convert for cross stitch,  alternatively if the image isnt a personal photo but of a well known character a quick type in a search engine will often bring up ready made graphs. 
Keywords to search for are beading patterns, graph ptterns or cross stitch patterns.

If any of you have any tips when making a graphgan get in touch here or on our Facebook page and we'll add any new useful ideas.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Subscriptions for pups

Before I begin let me make this clear. I have not been paid or given offers or in any way coerced into my overall opinion. I have bought both products with my own cash and this review is my genuine opinion.

First up is the more expensive of the two.
The pawsome box
Costing just under £20

This arrives in a relatively large box and comes every month until you turn off the subscription. (Rolling subscription) you can cancel anytime.
Every month you get a mix of treats, toys and occasionally cleaning products.  We've received things like grooming mitts and eye cleanser for white fur dogs that get tear stained.

Pros: All the products are good quality and our 4 hooligans loved all the treats. Even the toys were well loved. Donations have been made to charities.

Cons: it's quite pricey for those on a low budget. The toys are not suitable for large chewers. If a labrador sized dog wanted to chew their new toy to shreds they could do it in under 5 minutes.
I found after 4 boxes our toy box was overflowing and the toys from the last box were being ignored, we began to be overrun by toys.

Overall opinion : not bad as a one off once or twice a year but monthly was too often in our household even with four very different dogs to keep busy.

The second subscription we tried
Top collar
Priced at £5.99
This box has two options, you can have your box delivered either every two weeks or every month.
Depending on how frequently you choose your delivery you get your pup a packet of yummy fresh healthy treats. They have a range of flavours from salmon and eggs to pork pie.

Pros: treats made entirely of the good stuff, gluten free flour etc. Our pups loved every bite. Box customised with your pooches photo. Absolutely no junk in the treats. Options for regular treats or if you have a chubby pooch that loves their treats you can select healthy boxes only. Customisable to yourself. Ideal price for those a tad tight on their budget.

Cons: because the treats are so fresh they don't last more than a month. (Doesn't matter in our house, they're gone in a week when shared between 4 greedy pooches). The odd treat is a tad too crunchy for my pomchis dinky jaws, a little dip in water and she does fine though. The other three ranging in size between jack Russell and lab have no issues.

Overall opinion: I love this one the price, it's customisable, human flavours made pup friendly by the genius doggy chef behind top collar and the chance to get free boxes.

The may promo from top collar was simply send a photo via Facebook receive a free box. The June promo (just ended) was a chance to win a months subscription again by sending a photo. And you do get the box (I got my first box that way). I now subscribe. I recommend giving their Top collar facebook page a like so you don't miss future offers and competitions.  Pawsome also had a chance to win on their page, their was a small game at the bottom of their Web page I gave it a shot and got £5 off my next box. Its also worth giving Pawsome box facebook page a like but more for the fun pet videos than anything else.

Also remember if you don't want to miss anything follow our Facebook page or follow us on Google.  Doing this also helps us bring more discounts and opportunities for all followers.

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Crochet Scottish thistle

This pattern is best for intermediate level experience as it's a little tricky. And as always do not reproduce, copy or steal this pattern. End result can be sold on for charity only. Do not use for profit. If your unsure about intended permissions in regard to your intended use just ask.

Start pattern using green. Hook and yarn size don't matter just remember were working as we would for amigurami. Hook size 2 2 whole sizes smaller than recommended. We are also working in a spiral.

Create a magic circle or chain 3 and slip stitch back into 3rd chain from hook.
Row 1: 6 double crochet in the circle (6sts)
Row 2: 2 double crochet into each stitch. (12sts)
Row 3-9: double crochet into each stitch around (12sts)
Row 10: double crochet 2 together six times (6sts)
Stuff the green and stitch the end closed.
Switch to purple yarn. Working from where you stitched the end closed out to the next row loop strands into every second stitch as you would for dolls hair. Once you have enough thistle petals rejoin your green onto row 9. Double crochet around into each stitch for 2 rows. Tie off and weave ends in.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

How to remove black mould easily

We found it! 1 product, no scrubbing.

It was an accident too. Whilst browsing in our local bargain store ma moose grabbed a bottle that promised professional levels of mould removal. The instructions were to spray, leave, wipe. That's it.

So we did and it worked. Legit. It even does that icky corner stuff that is always black and ridiculously impossible to remove. And it cost less than £2 gbp.

So its ok bragging about a product bit no body would believe that corner stuff comes off. I have proof here's the corner of my frame, don't judge it was that bad when we moved in last may.

 This is the icky before.

And to the right is 5 minutes later, it came up even brighter after half hour but I'd lost too much light by then.

And this is the miracle spray. As you can see there's smudging on the window caused by the spray. A quick clean of your windows and it's gone no scratches or marks remaining.

Remember if you like this don't forget to follow us so you don't miss out on any products that we find in the future. We will only ever tell you about products that we try and love. We will also tell you about products to avoid. If it doesn't work we will say. No matter how we come about a product we won't lie about results. Ever.