Tuesday, 6 September 2016

graphgan basics

First we'll cover what exactly a graphgan is for those who have no idea.

graphgan is a blanket or throw with an image or text worked into it using different coloured yarns by following a graph. it can be used working stitch for stitch or block for block when working a corner to corner (c2c), or  by using solid squares depending on size your trying to achieve.
To avoid having to attach and reattach yarns at every colour change its best to make several miniature balls or use bobbins wound with the appropriate colours for your piece. The more colour changes done the more dreaded ends to sew in.
The best way to make a graph is using square paper, apps or an exel type computer programme. You can make almost any photo or image into a graphgan using apps to convert for cross stitch,  alternatively if the image isnt a personal photo but of a well known character a quick type in a search engine will often bring up ready made graphs. 
Keywords to search for are beading patterns, graph ptterns or cross stitch patterns.

If any of you have any tips when making a graphgan get in touch here or on our Facebook page and we'll add any new useful ideas.

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