I've not been around for a while because unfortunately I've been having a hard month. OK, so more than usual. Incase you haven't guessed already I have severe depression and anxiety. This diagnosis is from a doctor not myself. This month is a tough one not because of the Christmas period I don't find any pressure from that, it's just a big reminder of what I can't do has come along and smacked be off my feet.
To add to that exactly 2 weeks from christmas I received another diagnosis. Previously I was stuck calling my collection of symptoms 'the thing'. It's been this way for two years and two months but whose counting? Well on Friday the 11th I got my good news,'the thing' is a semi common illness made up of three intermingling conditions the first you may have heard of. Fibromyalgia, a sucky condition that decides to flare up often and usually knocks me out of commission for days/weeks at a time. The second is CPS short for chronic pain syndrome, works very much like fibro but symptoms start very quickly after any activity. The final portion is CFS short for chronic fatigue syndrome, pretty self explanatory. Now I know some of you may be thinking yea everyone gets tired, I'll give you a change in perspective. Imagine this, it's morning you wake feeling unrefreshed (again) and smell so you need a shower. You drag yourself across the hall hip screaming at you for daring to move. After heaving you get yourself into the shower. Now that is exhausting.
Wait! You've only just got in you still need to scrub but your exhausted. On you go scrubbing getting more and more tired as you do. Now the harder part getting back out and going to get dressed. Ok so skip to the part that that's all done. You need a nap. Go ahead imagine settling back into bed to rest up. Don't think your going to sleep. Oh no my friend. It is the morning you are clean, you are exhausted but you ain't going to sleep. That would be too easy.
That's just a taster of what I have to deal with so although its nice to have a namethe knowledge that its not likely to go away certainly makes being positive very hard. In future posts I will share more of my delightful (she says through gritted teeth) condition in hope that anyone else with this can give tips to cope better or I can give tips on what I've found to ease the suffering.
Sorry this is such a dark post tonight, remember this is my life and staying positive is all I have at times so here's some positivity for you.
2 more sleeps and it's Christmas day.
Also after christmas there will be more posts for diy improvements and patterns.
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