Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Keep your red hair looking vibrant cheap

Before i continue i want to make you aware i am not endorsed in any way by any of the below companies/brands mentioned this is based on my own experiences.
 If you've dyed your hair red you'll know what I mean by fade out.
I love having red hair but hate how quickly it fades back to brown or in some cases an orange tone. There's nothing wrong with these colours but if you died your hair red chances are you wanted it to stay red. I recently decided to go back to red/burgundy from boring brown and didn't want to re dye my hair every week I just don't have the energy. I initially coloured my hair using live xxl in a bold dark red shade.  I chose not to repeat a heavy permanent dye weekly, instead I got myself a cheap bottle of conditioner and a tub of semi permanent dye as pictured below.
 This particular bottle is rubine (the dark red shade I use) directions. The conditioner is an argan oil deep conditioner I got for 99p. I dollop about a table spoon of the red into my tub of conditioner, where gloves it gets messy and takes to skin real quickly. Give it a real thorough mix and your good to go.

Once every 7-9 days I will refresh my colour by popping the colour conditioner mix on and leaving it while I do my shower stuff. If you have long hair clip it up or you may find your back thoroughly stained. Once I'm done I'll rinse it out shampoo my hair and go about my day. I'll only be applying a permanent dye again when my roots grow out quite badly.

If you found this post useful or have any other tips you'd like us to feature get in touch. If you want to know why I shampoo after conditioning keep an eye out i will explain why in my next post.

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