Wednesday 13 January 2016

Jerome Alexander: magic minerals honest review

I love my magic minerals! These minerals have little coloured pigments which work with the base colour to help hide even the reddest of skin. 
Let me just be clear. It does work for real, not only that but one shade works for the palest of the pale (me) to the most tanned (ma moose) to the deep olive skin (nan). So I really did test this stuff pushed to its limit. Unfortunately I don't know anyone with really dark skin so olive skin is the darkest I could test on. (If anyone does know please get in touch for us to update.)
    In order to get the best coverage I use the sponge on my red skin. Sometimes it takes a couple swipes to cover the really angry spots. For the rest of my skin to provide an even coverage and more matte appearance than my usual sheen. I no longer use concealer or foundation before powder so I'm not spending as much on make up. Here in the uk I'd total £15 restocking my base. These minerals cost just £9.99. So I save a nice chunk. Who doesn't like saving money? I've had my minerals since December. We're now on the 13th January soaround a month after purchase and I haven't noticed a difference yet. My skin is no worse with breakouts. I believe this may even cover a birthmark with a couple of repeats, but I don't think you should hide birthmarks it's just an example to show the power of the minerals.
   One more thing, I don't avoid my eyebrows. Normal make up you touch them brows they go bright orange. Never a good look when your brows are supposed to be brown! These minerals don't mess with my brows. Time shaved off my routine.
I would highly recommend these. Five stars from me.

Please note I was not paid to write this. It is my genuine experience and in no way influenced by the manufacturer.