Thursday 19 November 2015

As easy as toast

It's been quiet around here for a little while now, it's not that this blog is boring me or anything. In fact quite the opposite it's actually something I'm really pleased I got going with.
 The reason it's been quiet is a tree. My family tree in fact.
Not much crochet has been happening and alot of what has is still a work in progress but last night I finished myself a teeny piece of toast.

I treat myself to a new winter coat and something about it has been bothering me, it felt a little plain.
Walking around town, hobbling actually but not the point, I noticed most people wearing the similar coats type had either a massive scarf (no way was I wearing that I get crazy warm as it is) or a brooch. With a scarf ruled out the only thing left was the brooch.
Problem is most brooch wearers were the older generation And nearly all brooches were poppies or flowers, fairies/angels.

I don't want something everyone has, that would be boring.
Now after deciding to keep my eye out for a cute pin or something fun I a had a slip of the tongue.
I don't know what I was describing but instead of your usual "its as easy as pie" I blurted out "its as easy as toast". Of course my funny little brain  lit up its light bulb and decided that was what was going to sit pretty on my coat.

Here he is!
  As usual his pattern is on ravelry at the usual price 50p
Super cute toast
To make it even easier, here, have a link. Don't say I never do anything for you.
View pattern now   link opens a new Web page.
As usual we would like to see your finished results I may even have a post dedicated to showing your versions, if you want to be shown leave how you want to be identified and your image in a link or use our email

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