Wednesday 5 August 2015

Stop poisoning your pets!

How many of you want to diy toys for dogs, cats, birds etc and went searching for ideas only to come across treat recipes.
Yes they seem super easy and fun for the animals but alot use peanut butter.
It's bloody toxic.
Most peanut butter on shelves have a sweetener or sugar substitute.
This is usually code for xylotol and that is toxic to pets.
When I tell people not to give it to pets they say "a little dairy can't hurt"
I aren't talking about dairy goods inside it I'm talking about that evil little faux sugar lurking waiting to cause a ton of problems. Head over to Google give it a real good research before use. If you insist on using it at least be informed on the ingredients before oh and did I mention IT'S TOXIC however if you want an easy recipe for your pooch (other pet recipes coming soon) then take a look at our pup pizza, your furbabies will love it!
Be safe, Spyro

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