Saturday 18 April 2015

Champagne ideas, pop bottle pockets

I've been quiet since setting up my blog, I can here y'all yelling "you suck". I'm aware guys.
I'm quiet because I've been busy creating crochet patterns for sock monkey slipper socks, try saying that 5 times with a numb tongue. Alongside that I've been packing and sorting so I'm ready when we downsize from our 3 bed house to our 2 bed flat, thanks British government the bedroom tax is the best. Yes sarcasm does make me feel better.
Now back on point I've always wanted a huge wardrobe but never have the space for the type I want. My fault for wanting a two story walk in wardrobe to accommodate my love for shoes.
Instead I have decided to go with a fitted wardrobe. I don't have the funding for a professional to tailor one for me so I will be doing it myself I'm not sure how but what I can say is that I will take many pictures as I go with instructions, ideas and where I bought/rescued my resources from. Hopefully I can inspire you to create your own storage perfection,  until then play nice!

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