Wednesday 8 July 2015

Natural soap

I previously wrote about a soap that I found called oliva. 
I promised a review and here it is.
Let's first talk about my itchy dogs, they have easily irritated skin and scratch like crazy I've done everything I can to stop the itch and didn't seem able to find anything. I by chance chose to try this soap on my dogs who got real smelly so naturally out came the shower cap and oliva soap and by magic the itchy puppies were no longer scratching away. I only used this on my dogs because it contained no chemicals unlike most over products available.
So back to the soap on humans, or me for that matter.
First off it lathers really well which I missed with the need wash, it also cleans really well without an icky residue on hair. No transition period.  Winner so I think I've finally found my no kak product for hair and body.
Yes, I did say body and my skin is starting to clear up.
I have, sorry had bacne and even that is clearing up nicely no new breakouts even my scars are fading. This summer I purchased three strappy tops and had my back on display, I even managed to tan which has improved the look of my scars yay.  I really believe this is the best soap ever and even better it's £1.19 a bar unlike most easy products.

If you know of any no kak products get in touch I like variety and if you try oliva soap let me know how you feel about it.
I also want to know if any of you know of a diy/no kak toner.
I also also want to know of any quick recipes or products for my no kak life.
That's it for now, 

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