Thursday 7 May 2015

Who to vote for this election?

so I find myself wondering who to vote for and yet keep finding myself  thinking I don't believe anybody. sorry if you thought I was going to tell you where to put them little x's.
not gonna happen, now when I was still in school I had the best health and social teacher. He was very patient with everyone especially 'difficult' students, I prefer the term brats. anyway he once said "never ever waste your vote ever." one clever person asked"what if you don't like any party". His response to this was "I don't care, cross the whole card out, write nobody anything that shows them you want to vote but don't believe anyone. just be heard." so from now on if I find myself unsure I will draw a box write no confidence and put a cross in it. so if anyone finds themselves in the same position feel free to do the same maybe one day it will become a valid option. be heard because Mr. Shires said so!

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