Tuesday 9 February 2016

New crochet patterns, you decide

As of now I'm creating a new load of patterns some paid some free. At the moment the only patterns I have are various sized shark slippers, the ones not yet done are because of a wool shortage. Unfortunately I can't get out to replenish my stash so they're on hold. While they're on hold I need something to make. I have a bad case of itchy fingers.

I have pattern block, no idea as what to make yet though.
I have decided to throw it out there.
What do you want to see? Want to make something but can't find a pattern? Found a pattern but its tiny and you want a bigger version? Get in touch either through our new Facebook page or leave a comment through google+. I'll pick from your requests and make the pattern available to everyone who hits the follow button as soon as it's complete.
Quick guys ill no longer take suggestions from the end of February 2016.  I'll try and do as many as I can not everyone's suggestions will make the cut. I'll make as many as I can though. So guys what are you waiting for get sending suggestions.

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