Sunday 17 April 2016

How to remove food dye from hands

Hands up who was baking this weekend and have now got food dye stains all over their hands?

Can't have you going to work/ school looking like that can we.

All you need is baking soda and white or malt vinegar.
Yesterday I found my hands very, very blue.

I mixed 10ml of vinegar with a teaspoon of baking soda and when it started to fizz rubbed it into my hands. At first I didn't think it was doing anything and was just about ready to quit so I washed it off with ordinary soap and water, that's when I could see what it really did. It's not until you rinse that you can tell it's working.

I had to repeat 4 times, my hands were royal blue though, each time it took rinsing the soda vinegar mix to get the colour off.
My skin is back to its pasty white self, although I did enjoy my brief time as an avatar.

I only wish I'd taken photos of before and after. Just to show you how each stage works. But I promise it really does work.

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