Saturday 6 June 2015

coconut neem hairwash result

After my first wash using what I shall refer to as 'neem hairwash' I have had an idea...uh oh.
The wash did get the mass of hairspray out and left my hair looking clean, it did leave a little of a clogged up feel but nothing I can't deal with. Don't let that put you off. 
  This residue feel is just part of my hair dealing with the natural hairwash free of goo and unpronounceable products.
I know I said I had an idea and you will be able to find that in my next post labeled 'au natural dry shampoo'.
Also I am going to make myself natural makeup if they work you lucky people get a complete how to alongside reviews and many photos.

I also have decided to bring in a family member to test, review and post many things so keep an eye open for my little divvy sister popping in and out. She will sign off using her nickname 'onion' (one of my conditions). Of course this means I shall use mine, I earned this because I flare my nostrils like a dragon when I'm real mad.

I also have created an email account just for you guys to get in touch.
I know their is already the option to leave a comment but sometimes you may just need a stranger to listen. I promise I will try to answer as many as possible but if I can't  Onion may be able to. I will definitely read them all. fyi any trolls will be ignored and reported to officials, zero tolerance.
Our new email is please feel free to get in touch nothing is too small or stupid

bye for now, Spyro

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