Friday 12 June 2015

diy dry shampoo

Let's start with blondes first because they have it easy so blondies grab your corn flour shake it round your not so clean sections rub it in, comb your hair and off you go. It really is that simple.

Brunettes your turn. Same as before you need cornflour and you get yummy pure cocoa in your recipe yay.Now grab a tablespoon of cornflour or more if your doing a big batch, now heres the tricky part you need to figure out your own cocoa ratio but as a guide I make up equal amounts of cocoa to cornflour when doing some up for onion and she has a rich dark brown.

Finally redheads. So the Web has loads of dry shampoos that say cornflour and cinnamon, they are jerks. Sorry but it's true because cinnamon causes colour fade and after you just decided to care for your hair they're telling you how to ruin your colour. Bad humans! What you really need is beetroot powder and cornflour again find your own ratio for raa red like mine equal parts beetroot powder to cornflour.

Natural redheads/ ginger most of you can get away with just cornflour too.

Bye for now

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