Friday 5 June 2015

cut the kak hairwash

my new thing at the moment is trying to completely stop putting chemicals onto my skin through all my day to day products. I truly believe these are adding to all the issues such as acne and sensitivity.
I think as I go I will write up my current kak cutting recipe each recipe will be given a fair period of time to work because going natural is bound to result in a super shock to the system. I'm thinking of it like me being tortured for years and then treat nicely all of a sudden , your natural reaction would be scepticism of motives.
first recipe I'm going to try is coconut and neem oil hair wash, this is 200 ml of coconut 3 teaspoons of neem oil and topped up in a 500ml water bottle with ordinary tap water, some may need to filter their water if the water in the area is harsh. shake it all up and pour it on. I'll make sure to rub it in to my scalp. If your trying it get in touch let us know how it works, how your hair reacts and how long if any hair detox lasts.

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